What do you do with young people in your church who are waiting for National Service, or exam results or for school to start? The pastors organized a 40 day spiritual program for forming the lives of young people waiting for university studies, work, or National Service. We conducted this in May 2012.
They learned the value of silence, meditation, examen, journalling, prayer and practiced it every morning and learned how to spend a half day with the Lord.
They had time with the pastors. Sharing stories, experiences, God’s word, “Habitudes”, “Divine Drama”, Hearing God’s Voice and the Prophetic, Worship and Praise, How to interpret and share a devotional message, Steps of Intercession and Witness, Uses of the Internet, Life Lessons, etc. Helping us pastors were skilled facilitators including Ethel Shin, Marcus Loh, David Lim, Jude Ng, Elaine Chee, Euclid Tan, Mary Tham, Simon and Rinda Tan. They brought variety, expertise, youth, and life to the sessions.
The trainees helped out in many projects like the Mother’s Day anointing oil gifts, video and skit; the Missions Sunday saving cans; the Church Camp icebreaker night; the corporate prayer meeting,etc.
They were brought to Kranji War Memorial to meditate on how they want to make their lives of eternal significance. It was an appropriate ending that tied up all that they learnt with an appropriate commitment to Christ.
We were glad that young men were as hungry for God as the young women. We want to raise a new generation of people who love the Lord with all their hearts.
Times of refreshing in the presence of God in prayer, worship, meditation were vital to spiritual formation. It made their hearts more open to what the Lord has for them.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Marcus, Elaine, Sophia, Isaac Huile, Jeremy, Isaac Yong En,Thomas, Jacob.
The outcomes were clear from the beginning. Everything we did was aimed at touching the HEAD, HEART, and HANDS.