Covid New Regulations – 8 to 30 May 2021


A. Sunday Service

  1. All 3 (Three) congregations: in-person (physical) service remains. Change in service timing.

– ZXFET                : 9.30am to 10.30am

– DFF                   : 9.45am to 10.45am

– English              : 11.15am to 12.15pm

2. GNK: ZOOM. NO in-person service.

          – 9:30am to 10:30am (for older children)


B. Sunday Service – Good Safety Practices

    1. Book a place for Sunday Service
    2. Check in with Trace Together or Token
    3. Temperature taking – scan using forehead
    4. Sanitize with handwash before entering the worship hall
    5. Strictly no crossing or talking between Zone 1 and Zone 2
    6. Leave worship hall immediately after Service has ended.
    7. Do not cross over to another congregation (ZXFET or DFF).

C. Meetings in Church

NO in-person meeting in church. Move to ZOOM

The groups affected are:

  1. Monthly Prayer Meeting (Zoom)
  2. Cell Prayer Network (Zoom)
  3. Alpha Cell on Sunday (Zoom)


D. Planned Events in May

    1. Pentecost Silent Retreat (Cancelled)
    2. Gifts of the Holy Spirit Workshop (Postponed. New dates – subject to Ps. Amos’ availability)

E.  Cell Meetings

Important to keep the fellowship through Cell Meetings. Therefore, continue to meet through Zoom.  No in-person meeting.


 F.  Others

    1. Anyone who has been to TTSH, or in any place that they’ve been in contact with a COVID-19 patient, please don’t come to church service or meet anyone from church for 3 (THREE) weeks.
    2. If you are not feeling well, please don’t come to church service or meet anyone from church for 3 (THREE) weeks.